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Application for Master for Smart Data Science:

(*) Mandatory fields. Please also indicate N/A when the question doesn't apply to you.
Title: (*)
Surname: (*)
First Name: (*)
Middle name(s):
Nationality: (*)
2nd Nationality:
Date of birth DD/MM/YY: (*)
City of birth: (*)
Country of birth (*):
Email address: (*)
Phone number 1 (with country code): (*)
Phone number 2 (with country code):
Current Address:
Street address: (*)
Postal code: (*)
City: (*)
Region / State / Province:
Country: (*)
Permanent Address:
Street address: (*)
Postal code: (*)
City: (*)
Region / State / Province:
Country: (*)
Parent(s) Professions:
Parent 1:
Parent 2:
Secondary School Diploma Equivalent:
Graduation year: (*)
Secondary school name: (*)
City: (*)
Country: (*)
1st year higher education:
Academic year: (*)
Institution name (City, Region/Province): (*)
Country: (*)
Final grade / GPA / Average / Ranking: (*)
2nd year higher education:
Academic year: (*)
Institution name (City, Region/Province): (*)
Country: (*)
Final grade / GPA / Average / Ranking: (*)
Degree name (if applicable): (*)
3rd year higher education:
Academic year: (*)
Institution name (City, Region/Province): (*)
Country: (*)
Final grade / GPA / Average / Ranking: (*)
Degree name (if applicable): (*)
4th year higher education:
Academic year: (*)
Institution name (City, Region/Province): (*)
Country: (*)
Final grade / GPA / Average / Ranking: (*)
Degree name (if applicable): (*)
5th year higher education:
Academic year:
Institution name (City, Region/Province):
Final grade / GPA / Average / Ranking:
Degree name (if applicable):
6th year higher education:
Academic year:
Institution name (City, Region/Province):
Final grade / GPA / Average / Ranking:
Degree name (if applicable):
Last Diploma Obtained:
Name of the last Diploma obtained:
Number of ECTS credits obtained:
Eventual Gap(s) in academic career:
Academic years concerned:
Additional information regarding academic history:
Research papers and/or Master's theses (if applicable):
Please write down the following elements for each paper -
Degree concerned / Subject / Name of advisor / Grade / Year /
Publication / Conference / Institution(from most to least recent)
First paper:
Second paper:
Third paper:
Internships (if applicable):
Please write down the following elements for each internship -
MM/YY - MM/YY / Name of organization / City, Country / Subject
First internship:
Second internship:
Third internship:
Language skills:
Native language: (*)
Foreign languages (if applicable):
Please write down the following elements for each additional language -
Language / Level / Certificate (if applicable) / Score (if applicable)
First foreign language:
Second foreign language:
Third foreign language:
Current situation:
What is your current situation (student, employee, searching for a job..)?
Additional Information:
If you are applying to other institutions,
please list them in order of preference (Institution Name, Program)
First choice:
Second choice:
Third choice:
Fourth choice:
How did you learn about ENSAI's Master for Smart Data Science? (specify at least one) (*)
- From your university
- Search engine (specify keywords)
- Other websites (please specify)
- From an employer
- From a referral
- Other (please specify)
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